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If you’ve got a horse, and you’ve got a legal problem, now you’ve got a friend who’s a lawyer.

Rachel Kosmal McCart, founder of Equine Legal Solutions, Inc., based in San Jose, CA, has joined The Information Team at If you’ve got a problem you think has legal implications, ask Rachel for help. The question and advice are free.

The Information Team is made up of a nutrition specialist, a world class horse trainer, a veterinarian and now a lawyer. The team is there to help you with your horses. Log onto and then in the main menu, click on The Information Team…you are at the right place to get answers.

McCart grew up riding horses, competing in nearly every discipline at Appaloosa, Quarter horse and hunter/jumper shows. Naturally she chose to specialize in the legal aspects of horse management. She has practiced in New York and California and was in-house attorney for a Fortune 100 company prior to establishing Equine Legal Solutions, a full-service company serving the horse community.

McCart is also the instructor for the online course Legal Aspects of Horse Management which is offered by Scottsdale Community College and Austin Education Center as part of the Professional Designation in Horse Training program. Visit to see her course description and outline.

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