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Anthony Head with partner Sarah Fisher and Safira - a horse from HorseWorld
Tea for Two With Tony!

Well-known actor Anthony Stewart Head is auctioning tea for two at The Savoy Hotel in London with two tickets for his latest play, Peter Pan, in aid of HorseWorld. The address for the online auction is (, and the auction closes on January 8th 2004.

Anthony Stewart Head, better known to millions of fans as Giles from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, will host the tea on 6th February. This is an amazing opportunity for two people to have tea with Anthony before going on to watch him in his latest play at The Savoy Theatre, London.

James Cretney, HorseWorld's Chief Executive said, "We're delighted that Anthony has chosen to support our work, and I know the auction will attract a lot of interest from fans. Anthony is very busy at this time of year, and it is great that he made the time to help us. I'm also grateful to The Savoy Hotel and Savoy Theatre, as they kindly donated the afternoon tea and two seats for the play".

Money from the auction will be used by HorseWorld to help build a new Isolation Unit to quarantine new arrivals and to look after sick or neglected horses and ponies. HorseWorld is a registered charity, and can only continue its work through the donations it receives.


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