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Exciting Developments for the International Association of Equine Dentistry

San Diego, California – The International Association of Equine Dentistry (IAED) recently held its 2003 Annual Conference from November (6-9) in San Diego, California.

As a body dedicated to educating equine dental professionals as well as the public in the field of equine dentistry, the IAED offered a wide variety of seminars at its 17th annual conference. Practical demonstrations and instructional wet labs were offered as well as both educational and scientific lectures. Addresses were also given on manual and motorized dentistry techniques.

A mission statement aimed at the further development of the equine dentistry profession were discussed at the AGM, as were plans to raise the profile of the IAED by having an educational booths at various trade fairs, including the popular and well-attended Equine Affaire to be held March 25-28 in Columbus, Ohio.

“Our association is continuing to achieve its goal of helping horses through good dentistry by educating both horse owners and equine dental professionals,” noted IAED President Douglas Smith of Denton, Texas. “I am very happy that our association and the profession as a whole is improving equine dentistry for the well-being and performance of all horses. As the largest equine dental group in the world, I encourage anyone who is practicing equine dentistry or simply has an interest in the area to get involved with the IAED.”

The 2004 IAED Annual Conference is scheduled for September 24-26 in Fort Worth, Texas, while the IAED has plans to take the Annual Conference to Europe in the near future.

With approximately 350 members, the IAED is continuing to grow and attract members from all corners of the world. The international scope of the IAED is represented in a 12-member Board of Directors that includes Dale Wearing of Australia, Mark Slingsby of Great Britain and Irish native P.J. Murphy. Additionally, Dr. Kevin May, former president of the American Association of Veterinary Acupuncture, was elected to the Board of Directors at the 2003 Annual Conference in his hometown of San Diego, CA.

Founded in 1986, the IAED is an international network of professionals dedicated to educating and raising public awareness in the area of equine dentistry in order to address the needs the needs of the horse. The IAED also offers certification to recognize the ability of some members to perform competent equine dentistry. For further information on the International Association of Equine Dentistry, please visit


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