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horse Mademoiselle de France

All our products are made with the best materials,best leathers, best hand-painted papers, etc…

Each item is exclusively hand-made by Mademoiselle Jourdan, that is to say that our products are real french traditional bookbinding and luxury stationery.

We provide Equitation books with several sections for you to write all your memories down. Equitation books are available with material and hand-painted paper (lot of colours and patterns available) or full shagreen leather cover.

We also provide the best traditionnal french bookbinding to give a better value for your precious and favorite books. We use craft, materials, papers and covers suiting with book period, global subject and colours.

We suggest photo albums for your best pictures.

Our job is exclusively to offer the best for you to keep all your life long.


horse Contact:
c/o L.jourdan 22 rue etienne lenoir 35131 chartres de bretagne FRANCE



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