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“Angela Covert and Cassis shown competing in the Talent Squad class at the 2003 CSI-W Blainville International Show Jumping Tournament in Quebec.”
Photo credit – Cealy Tetley
Legendary Pepiniere Stables to Continue Under Young Forces

St. Lazare, Quebec – Thanks to Mike Lawrence and Angela Covert, the legendary Pepiniere Stables in St. Lazare, QC, will continue to operate as one of Canada’s premiere equestrian training and show facilities.

In the spring of 2003, the equestrian community was saddened by the loss of Gladys Adam, 69, who, for decades, had developed and coached some of Canada’s most prolific show jumping athletes and offered world-class show jumping competitions at Pepiniere Stables. By purchasing the 38-stall facility on December 8, 2003, Lawrence and Covert have ensured that the equestrian facility will live on through the operation of their business, Eastwood Equine Inc.

“We had a lot of respect for Gladys as a horsewoman and want to continue the strong tradition that she established,” noted Lawrence. “One of her greatest legacies is the horse show that she established and we intend to carry on that tradition by using primarily the same management team.”

Both Lawrence and Covert are originally from Nova Scotia and were married on September 6 in Chester, NS. A certified member of the International Association of Equine Dentistry and a member of the American Veterinary Dental Society, Lawrence began riding in his native Amherst, NS, and enjoyed great success in the junior jumper division before turning his attention to his education. After attending Carleton University in Ottawa, ON, Lawrence went on to the London School of Economics in England before settling on a career in equine dentistry in 1992. At only 33 years of age, Lawrence is considered one of Canada’s top equine dentists and has a large practice throughout the country.

Covert, 27, hails from Dartmouth, NS, and began riding at the age of six in the pony, hunter and equitation division and entered the junior jumper ranks at the age of 14. A successful competitor throughout her teenage years, Covert was named the 1994 Canadian Equestrian Federation’s Junior Equestrian of the Year and was awarded the prestigious Gillian Wilson Trophy.

Covert’s first job as a professional trainer came in 1995 working for former Canadian Equestrian Team member Alan Brand in Calgary, AB, and led to a position as Trainer at the famed Spruce Meadows show jumping facility where Covert worked for two years as a rider and instructor. After moving back to eastern Canada, Covert managed a private facility near Bromont, QC, for four years. In 2000, she and Lawrence founded Eastwood Equine Inc. in partnership.

In her competitive career, Covert won the hotly contested Combined Working Hunter Stake at the Royal Horse Show in Toronto, ON, riding Jackie. In 2003, Covert competed in Florida throughout the winter then focused on the eastern Canada and United States show circuit, winning the Saratoga Cup at the Saratoga Horse Show, NY, in May and being named Open Jumper Champion at the Vermont Summer Festival in July. Riding Lord Byron Z, Covert also won the Coca-Cola Modified Grand Prix at the CSI-W Bromont International, QC, in June.

Entering the final event of the 2003 Jump Canada National Talent Squad Series, a program designed to identify athletes with the potential to become future members of the Canadian Show Jumping Team, Covert was leading the standings and finished second overall with Cassis. As a result, she was nominated by Jump Canada to receive one of two Development Cards under the Sport Canada Athlete Assistance program that gives athletes a monthly allowance to assist with the costs of training.

In addition to her own competitive accomplishments, Covert is a gifted trainer and teacher. Her successful students include 18-year-old Jennifer O’Neill of Montreal, QC, who placed eighth individually in the junior division at the 2003 North American Young Riders’ Championships.

While Lawrence and Covert look forward to the continued future success of Eastwood Equine Inc., the couple is also busy preparing for the Pepiniere Horse Shows that will take place over the two weeks of May 20-24 and May 26-30, 2004.

For more information on Eastwood Equine Inc. or the, please call tel: (450) 455-9722 or e-mail: or visit For more information on the Pepiniere Horse Show Series, please visit


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