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USEF Announces Show Jumping Selectors for 2004 Olympic Games Selection

Gladstone, New Jersey—December 22, 2003—U.S. Equestrian (USEF) has announced the three selectors plus two alternates who will participate in the Show Jumping selection process for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.

The Selectors for 2004 are veteran Grand Prix riders Michael Endicott of Rancho Santa Fe, CA; Eric Hasbrouck of Bedford, NY; and Lisa Jacquin of Wayne, PA, who is a two-time Olympic veteran.

The alternate selectors are USET veterans Ray Texel of Bedford, NY, and Rich Fellers of Wilsonville, OR, a team Bronze Medalist at the 1991 Pan American Games.

The selectors will oversee the selection process including the possible inclusion of one or two subjectively-chosen members to the four-member team that will compete at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.

For more information, please contact Sally Ike, USEF Director of Show Jumping Activities, at (908) 234-0848 or

The vision of U.S. Equestrian is to provide leadership for equestrian sport in the United States of America, promoting the pursuit of excellence from the grass roots to the Olympic Games, based on a foundation of fair, safe competition and the welfare of its horses, and embracing this vision, to be the best national equestrian federation in the world.


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