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37 Year Old pony competes at the Veteran Horse Society Final at Olympia.

VHS. North East Champion Orient Magic has been withdrawn from the prestigious Veteran Horse Society final at Olympia on 21st December 2003.

In the Champions place will go, the Reserve Champion a 37 year old Grey Connemera Mare, Blue Moon owned by Jane Thorp.

Blue Moon will be competing against 9 other veteran champions to win the Minty Memorial Trophy currently held by 21 year old Preview II.

Blue Moon was born in 1966 and therefore is the oldest veteran attending the final at 37 years of age. A full vet inspection will be done on each of the horses before they set off on their way to this international final. Making sure that they are all fit and well to travel.

The Competition will begin at 10.00am on Sunday morning 21st December 2003.

For further information on this years final and next years qualifying events please contact the National Showing Office 01588 650180 or visit the Society's website,
All shows wishing to hold a 2004 Olympia qualifier must have their application processed by 1st February 2004.

Regional Finalist for Olympia 2003

1) Anglia

Cottrell Fanfare - Owner/ Mrs Jane Taylor Rider/ Hannah Jarman
12.3hh Part Welsh Sec B 1986 Bay Gelding

Cottrell Fanfare or Dragon as he is known at home has done it, he has qualified for Olympia! This is the icing on the cake for him and his young jockey Hannah Jarman aged 12. They have achieved so much this year in the show ring, with Championships and Supreme Championships that you need more than two hands to count them all. Dragon is a 17yr old 12.3hh part breed Welsh gelding by the late Rotherwood State Occasion, he is the most wonderful pony, which we have had the pleasure of owning for the last 5yrs. He has manners to burn and can turn his hoof to anything, competing in show jumping and cross country events and is always in the ribbons.

We are all so very proud and can't wait to travel down to Olympia, good luck Hannah and Dragon!!!!


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