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Dialogue On Nutrition:

2nd Annual Guelph Conference On Equine Nutrition

Saturday, October 20, 2001
8:30am - 5:00pm
Lifetime Learning Centre,
Ontario Veterinary College, Universtiy of Guelph

esigned to meet the needs of equine veterinarians and professional horse persons, this year's conference will address basic digestive physiology and anatomy, growth and development (with special emphasis on feeding of energy and minerals/mineral balance), and the use of specific dietary supplements in the management/control of musculoskeletal diseases. Keynote speakers are Dr. Laurie Lawrence, University of Kentucky, Dr. Harold Hintz, Cornell University and Dr. John Burton, University of Guelph. The conference will also feature Dr. Mark Hurtig and Dr. Henry Staempfli of the University of Guelph. The conference moderators will be Shannon Pratt, Equine Research Centre and Dr. Peter Physick-Sheard, University of Guelph.

The speakers will take a team approach in addressing the conference themes. The sessions will also take advantage of the expertise of attending feed and horse industry professionals and will provide conference participants the opportunity to question the presenters and raise nutrition issues. Do not miss this exceptional professional development event!

Conference Schedule:

7:30am: Registration and Coffee
8:30am: Welcome

Session 1:
Disaster or Masterpiece? - The Horse's Digestive System
What are the basic characteristics of equine digestive anatomy and physiology that so profoundly influence how we approach nutritional management? Are there lessons to be learned by taking a look at how the horse handles and processes the feed we feed?
8:45am: Anatomy, Dr. Peter Physick-Sheard
9:05am: Physiology, Dr. Harold Hintz
9:25am: Dialogue
9:45am: Refreshments in Exhibit Area

Session 2:
From Conception to Competition - Feeding the Growing Horse
In this double session we will look at the nutritional requirements of the horse from conception to early training, the goals we are trying to reach and the optimal ways to get there. We will consider the growth curve and how nutritional requirements vary with time, and we will take a look at how nutrition can influence development, with particular emphasis on the development of bone.
10:00am: Growth Curve & Developing Fetus, Dr. L Lawrence
10:30am: Nursing - 12 months of age, Dr. John Burton
11:00am: Yearlings - 2 years olds, Dr. Harold Hintz
11:30am: Dialogue

12:00 noon: Lunch in Exhibit Area

1:15pm: Two years plus - Growing Athletes, Shannon Pratt
1:45pm: Nutrition and Bone Disease, Dr. Mark Hurtig
2:15pm: Dialogue
2:45pm: Refreshments in Exhibit Area

Session 3:
Hay (Oats), Salt & Water - Do Horses Really Need Supplements?
This will be a focused discussion taking a brief but critical look at how and when supplements might be necessary and when they might be a waste of precious resources. We will examine the question of whether appropriate feeding of a high-quality basic ration is sufficient in most cases.
2:45pm: Mature Athletes & Supplements, Dr. Laurie Lawrence
3:00pm: Energy Supplements, Dr. Harold Hintz
3:15pm: Supplements & Muscle Function, Dr. Henry Staempfli
3:30pm: Supplements & Bone/Joint Function, Dr. Mark Hurtig
3:45pm: Digestive Aids, Dr. John Burton
4:00pm: Electrolyte Supplementation, Dr. Laurie Lawrence
4:15pm: Dialogue & Closure

(Sponsored By: UofG, OVC & ERC)

Registration Deadline:
October 18, 2001

To Register:
Print and Mail Registration Form To:
Office of Open Learning,
160 Johnston Hall,
University of Guelph,
Guelph, Ontario
N1G 2W1

By Fax: (519) 767-1114
By Phone:
(519) 767-5000

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