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Upcoming Seminars At The Equine Research Centre, Guelph Ontario

The Equine Research Centre in partnership with the Ontario Horse Racing Association presents:

Mare and Foal
Wednesday, October 9, Woodbine Sales Pavilion 12:45 - 4:00 p.m.

12:50 p.m. - Welcome, Ken Armstrong, Executive Director, ERC

1:00 - Technology Transfer: a review of OHRIA funded growth and development research, and practical applications. Dr. Leslie Huber, research associate, University of Guelph.

2:15 - Refreshment break, courtesy of OHRIA

2:30 - Extending technology transfer in the field: The use of growth charts and practical feeding approaches for young horses. Don Kapper, V.P of Buckeye Nutrition, Ohio.

3:30 -- Emerging Issues in the Industry: new foal vaccines; deworming; West Nile Virus. Dr. Dan Kenney, Large Animal Clinic, Ontario Veterinary College.

No charge to members of the CTHS, HBPA, SBOA and OHHA
providing proof of membership.
$40 all other persons.

For advance booking contact Laura (519) 837-0061
or email: Related reading will be available to purchase.


3rd Annual Dialogue on Nutrition

Presented by the University of Guelph
in partnership with the Equine Research Centre

Saturday, November 23, 2002
OVC Lifetime Learning Centre, University of Guelph
Full-day event commencing at 8:00 a.m.

Featured speakers will be Dr. Al Merritt of the University of Florida, Dr. Noah Cohen of Texas A & M University, and Drs. Ray Geor and Scott Weese of the University of Guelph. The conference will also feature Dr. John Burton and Shannon Pratt of the University of Guelph.


Proteins are among the least understood yet most expensive components of a horse's diet. We have a perception that despite their cost, feeding high protein feeds is somehow "good" for the equine athlete, yet many horse feeds may contain too much protein and contribute more to the strength of their urine than to the strength of their athletic performance. Equally, we may not be paying sufficient attention to protein quality - perhaps by ensuring appropriate quality we could half the quantity fed, an intriguing prospect when you consider the cost of feed today. Is this a good place to start rationalizing equine nutrition?

Normalizing gastrointestinal function - keeping the gut happy

In this double session we will look at the ways in which feeding (what we feed, when and how we feed it), might influence and disturb normal gut function. There are a whole host of responses about which we might be concerned, ranging from the efficiency with which diet is utilized and resulting effects on body condition and performance, through disturbances in gut function leading to constipation or diarrhea. We might also be concerned about how these issues relate to that most feared of all problems, colic.

To register call (519) 767-5000 or fax: (519) 767-1114 or visit

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