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2003 Brookhill Steeplechase Announces New Office, New Leadership

RALEIGH, NC- The Triangle’s only Steeplechase has a new sales office and a new Race Chairman for its eleventh season. Will Stanley was elected Race Chairman for the 2003 Brookhill Steeplechase, whose sales office has moved to the Aspen Building within the Highwoods Office Park in North Raleigh. This year’s race is scheduled for Saturday May 3, 2003 on Brookhill Farm in Clayton, NC.

Stanley has been active in the marketing and site operations of the Steeplechase for the past several years and brings experience as a former Publicity Director for the Raleigh Jaycees. Partnering with sponsorship marketing firm Wisse, Hollman & Co., Stanley and the Brookhill Steeplechase are excited about the upcoming season. "We're excited about the growth we continue to experience,” says Stanley. “Close to seventy area organizations attended the Triangle's premiere sporting and social event last year. We look forward to increasing that number even more this year with opportunities for new sponsors, exhibitors and thousands of loyal horseracing
fans who continue to make our race great."

The Brookhill is the only horse racing meet under sanction by the National Steeplechasing Association in eastern North Carolina. Run and operated by the Raleigh Jaycees, the Brookhill Steeplechase attracts over 12,000 spectators and some of the sport’s best and highest acclaimed jockeys and trainers. For more information about sponsorship and event information, contact the sales office at (919) 713-0033 or visit the official Brookhill Steeplechase website at


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