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horse Keeping On The Trot - Homeopathy For Horses

Think of homeopathy, and you will probably imagine a growing area of human medicine attracting a wider audience every day. While more and more people are turning to homeopaths for treatments that are a valid alternative to those supplied by their doctors, there are a growing number of horse owners who are making the homeopathic choice for their animals too.

Enter Crossgates Farm, which has set up a service whereby owners of horses and ponies can access advice and products for the homeopathic treatment of their animals - including a list of homeopathic vets. Crossgates Farm provides a wide range of homeopathic products designed to not only treat problems, but also to prevent them. In association with these products is a far-reaching network of advice and a series of publications aimed at educating horse owners about the homeopathic route.

Horse owners from across the country will be able to see how the homeopathic approach could benefit their animals at the Midlands Equine Fair to be held at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern, on 8 and 9 March 2003.

Julie Dodgson is one of the founders of Crossgates. She said: "We set the business up to create an awareness among animal owners about homeopathy as an alternative to more traditional veterinary routes - many people have found that their animals had adverse reactions to antibiotics and conventional medicines. We have been exploring and learning everyday since we began, and the number of horse owners turning to homeopathic remedies and preventions has grown rapidly in that time. Over and over we are finding that it is the homeopathic route that achieves the best effects."

Take, for example, the case of a Welsh cob called Bear. Bear had been written off by the vet because a serious of antibiotic treatments for mechanical laminitis had left him with a malfunctioning liver with some indication of hepatitis. Bear was given a range of homeopathic doses - including arnica, hydrastis and ragwort 200 - and in just four months his lab results showed 'figures within the normal equine reference range. According to his owner, Beth Darrall, his recovery was a surprise to his vets - and a delight to her!

Julie added: "Once folk get past their initial misgivings, they soon realise that the benefit of homeopathy to their animals is immense. Homeopathic remedies mean immediate and stress free treatment for the animal, a faster recovery from accidents and infection, and increased resistance to infection and better health overall. Not only is this good news for the horse, but it also results in fewer visits from the vet!"

Julie and her colleagues will be exhibiting at the Midlands Equine Fair at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern, on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 March. Visitors will be able to see at first hand how homeopathic treatments can help their animals.

Further information and ticket enquiries concerning the Midlands Equine Fair are available by calling Contour Exhibitions on 01884 841644. Advance ticket sales are available by calling 08700 115007, and advance ticket booking discounts are on offer. Alternatively, visit the Contour Exhibitions website at



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