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horse Show Jumping Results: CSI* Zuidbroek Netherlands 2 - 4 January 2003

Gemeente Menterwolde- Prize
1m35 Table A against the clock
Thursday January 2, 2003

1) VS Now Or Never; Piet Raijmakers Sr. (NED) Faults 0 Time 56.98
2) Odierike; Albert Zoer (NED) Faults 0 Time 58.00
3) Leonora 3; Oliver Ross (GER) Faults 0 Time 59.61
4) Polanski; Neal Fearon (IRL) Faults 0 Time 60.26
4Noord Zee Olie-Prize
1m35 Table A with Jump Off
Friday January 3, 2003

1) VS Now Or Never; Piet Raijmakers Sr. (NED) Faults 0/0 Time 34.25
2) Polanski; Neal Fearon (IRL) Faults 0/0 Time 34.33
3) Odessa SB; Ann De Bie (BEL) Faults 0/0 Time 34.56


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