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Groom Of The Year Award

Zanie Tanswell was crowned Horse & Hound Groom of The Year 2003 on Saturday 10 January at the British Horse Foundation Awards run by the Supporters of British Breeding, held at the Grange City Hotel.

The competition's sponsor, Frank Kuster of Grange hotels, presented her with a trophy and five star holiday voucher.

Zanie, who has been Pippa Funnell's groom for the past four years until recently starting a yard with her eventing partner Chris King, won the competition due to her exemplary dedication to the horses in her care, her knowledge of horse and yard management and commitment to grooming. Her standards of horse care are exceptional and undoubtedly she played a major part in the record-breaking successes achieved in 2003 by her former employer - Pippa Funnell.

Mike Tucker read a message from Zanie's former employer Pippa Funnell, who said: "Zanie could not, in my opinion, be a better recipient for this award. Over the years she has been with me she has shown nothing but complete dedication to her job. I don't like the word groom because Zanie is more than that. She is well known on the eventing circuit for being highly organised. Anyone that needs anything, whether it is a safety pin, toothpick, or shoelace, will go to Zanie, because she will have it.
"She is exceptional in all aspects of horse management, but why she has been so special and a key figure in my backup team is because of the love she always shows towards the horses, and her wonderfully warm, friendly manner. I speak for myself and on behalf of my owners and horses that she will be greatly missed, but will be a huge asset in Chris King's new yard. And above all she deserves this wonderful holiday."


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