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horse X-Raying of Stallions in the Irish Horse Register

From January 2004, all stallions applying for classification in the Irish Horse Register must be x-rayed prior to inspection. The application form for classification of a stallion in the Irish Horse Register contains a pre-inspection veterinary report which must be completed in full by a Veterinary Surgeon. The pre-inspection veterinary report contains a new section dealing specifically with x-rays. Each stallion must have 18 x-rays taken by a Veterinary Surgeon. The details of each x-ray i.e. limbs and angles etc. are outlined in the x-ray section of the pre-inspection veterinary report.

The completed application form is submitted to the Irish Horse Board prior to inspection. The x-ray films are not submitted to the Irish Horse Board, they are retained by the

Application forms for classification of a stallion in the Irish Horse Register can be obtained by request from the Irish Horse Board or the Northern Ireland Horse Board. The closing date for application is Friday 30th January 2004. Stallions will continue to be x-rayed at the veterinary college as under the previous system at the point of approval, where 18 x-ray views will be taken.

For further information on x-raying requirements please contact the Irish Horse Board.


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