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KWPN Select Sale stallions on Internet

On Saturday 7 February the fourth edition of the KWPN Select Sale will take place.

Twenty-three three-year-old stallions are listed in the catalogue. They have been carefully selected for pedigree, movement, free jumping, conformation and veterinary status. Moreover, all the horses on offer have been designated for the second viewing by the KWPN stallion approvals committee. Furthermore, from today on, the selected horses can be seen on the renewed internet site of the KWPN Select Sale. Extensive information about each stallion can be found on By clicking on the 'kss 2004' button, you will find the listed stallions. Each stallion can be clicked on separately; for each there will be a page with photographs, a
description, the pedigree and a short video presentation.

For those present at the auction, bids can be made on the spot. As well as this, it is possible to bid online during the auction for the horses that are in the sales arena. The 'internet auction' is 'real time' and runs parallel to the auction in the Brabanthallen. The online auction can be followed by every internet visitor. In order to participate in the bidding, the visitor must first register via the site. After screening from the organization, seriously interested parties will receive a password and thereby the possibility to take part in the bidding. Information about joining the auction and buying via the internet will be available on the site.

For more information and requests for the catalogue and the presentation DVD, please contact the KWPN Select Sale in Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
telephone +31(0)20-4655446 or e-mail


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