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Actress Stefanie Powers To Attend Sunday Polo Game At New International Polo Club Palm Beach

WELLINGTON - January 7, 2004 Stefanie Powers, best known for her role in TV's Hart to Hart, is expected to attend the 22-goal Joe Barry Memorial tournament game Sunday at 3 p.m. at the new International Polo Club Palm Beach.

Powers will participate in the post-match trophy ceremonies between Old Pueblo and Crab Orchard, two teams fighting to make the playoffs.

Crab Orchard, using a revamped lineup, defeated Everglades 10-8 in its first game. Patron George Rawlings' team played without superstar Memo Gracida, a 10-goaler for more than 20 years who is nursing a sore back. Joining Rawlings will be 8-goaler Julio Arellano, who led the team with five goals in its first game. If Gracida is able to play, his son Julio, will also play. If the Hall of Famer cannot play, Rawlings will call upon Roberto Gonzales and Pablo Spanachi to fill the void.

A loss would eliminate John Hall's Old Pueblo from the playoffs. In its first match, Old Pueblo was defeated 19-7 by Brigadoon. Old Pueblo is led by a trio of young players destined to achieve greatness - 8-goaler Jeff Hall, 7-goaler Nicolas Roldan and 6-goaler Brandon Phillips.

Eleven teams have entered the year's first high-goal tournament. The semifinals are scheduled for Thursday, January 15 with the final scheduled for Sunday, January 18 at 3 p.m.

A long-time conservationist and animal activist, Powers will also be in town to attend a private event on Monday night at the polo club celebrating the return of the East African Bongo antelope to mountains in Kenya, spearheaded by the Rare Species Conservatory Foundation in Loxahatchee.

The program will establish a breeding group of 20 bongos at the Mount Kenya Game Ranch. Within six to 10 years, offspring from the original breeding group will be slowly released into the Mount Kenya National Park.

Tickets for polo begin at $10 per person and are available at the gate or by calling (561) 204-5687.

International Polo Club Palm Beach is located at 3667 120th Avenue South in Wellington. From I-95, take the Forest Hill Boulevard exit and go west approximately 12 miles. Turn left onto South Shore Boulevard and go two miles. Turn left onto Pierson Road, travel about one mile and then make a right onto 120th Avenue South. The club is on the right. From Florida's Turnpike, take Exit 93 (Lake Worth Road) and go west about six miles. Make a right onto 120th Avenue South. The club is on the left.


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