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Computer Horse

Lack of a computer has not stopped Fay Howell of Milan, New Mexico from taking one of New Mexico State University's most popular online courses.

The college has generously offered to let students who sign up for the course, Training Performance Horses, and live within driving distance from the college, use the computers in the college library. Howell is taking advantage of this opportunity.

"The minute I read about the course I desperately wanted to take it, but I didn't have a computer," said Howell, who has been around horses for 20 years. When I inquired at the college, they told me I could use theirs. I am so grateful for the college's consideration. I have now studied three of the nine lessons and have already worked out a better feeding program for my horses."

Like all students who take the course, Howell also appreciates one of the program's main attraction, which is not setting a limited time for completing the course. Most students work with horses and have no time for set classes. With this course, they have free time, can get their lessons by computer and can learn at their own pace. When students finish the course successfully, they receive a certificate of recognition from the college.

The online course was designed by nationally-known author/trainer Don Blazer, who actively participates in the program by grading students' work and helping them by discussing specific problems with their horses. The course teaches training techniques necessary to perform all basic exercises from before the saddle to flying lead changes. The student receives a lesson by e-mail, studies the material, then submits a quiz question and a brief narrative report explaining his or her training program, and then is given a lesson link by e-mail.

Students have four colleges to choose from and can register by phone for this course at any time. All four offer to provide computers to prospective students who do not have computers.

The colleges are New Mexico University at (505)287-6670. Allegany College of Maryland at (301)784-5341, or Arizona's Scottsdale Community College at (602)423-6505. or Paradise Valley Community College at (602)787-6800. Online registration is available.

A sample of one of the lessons and some of the test questions can be seen at



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