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Riders Wanted For Expedition To Ladakh, India

The Scientific Exploration Society is a registered charity, whose chairman is the renowned explorer Colonel John Blashford-Snell. We organise short expeditions for scientific research, exploration and endeavour.

We are looking for 14 team members with a knowledge or interest in healthcare, anthropology, community aid and wildlife studies to travel on this, the SES's first expedition, to the remote Himalayan kingdom of Ladakh. Framed between two of the most imposing mountain ranges in the world - the Karakormas in the North and the Himalayas in the South - Ladakh is famed for its rocky desert, bewitching silence, and for having one of the lowest population densities in the world at just two inhabitants per kilometre.

Our community work will centre on healthcare and educational surveys for the local population who include nomadic tribes. We will also be carrying out wildlife studies focusing on Ladakh's incredible flora and fauna at its most visible in July. This trip will also be of huge interest to anyone with an interest in Tibetan Buddhism practised in its original form. Ladakh's rich cultural heritage includes ancient monasteries most of which are built on sheer cliffs and are still actively functioning today.

Wild ass in Tso Moriri

This expedition will involve days riding and trekking and you will need to be extremely fit. You will be 'living rough', sleeping under canvas and cooking for yourself, enjoying the freedom of living miles from any roads or other human habitation.

Our teams include a leader, a doctor and specialists to lead the project work but we also invite applications from self-funded men and women from all walks of life. It is our expedition team who make these projects happen and we welcome the diversity of talents that each unique group of people brings.

The trip will run for three weeks from July 7th - 26th 2003. It will cost between £3,500. This includes international and internal flights, all equipment, support, transport, food and accommodation where necessary and comprehensive insurance. If you are interested please contact: Sarah Rundell at or Tel: 01747 854898 or via the web

Indus River


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