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South Essex Launches Policies For Caring Pet Owners

Life time renewal of a new pet policy from South Essex Insurance Brokers can be automatic each year, while a second, designed for accidental injuries only, helps with up to £2,000-worth of vet fees annually - for just £29.40.

Pet Health Insurance has no upper age limit for dogs or cats, and terms can be offered for automatic renewal each time premiums are due. Pet Accident Cover, with a set £29.40 premium, is designed to cover veterinary costs after an accident. Each claim has a £1,000 limit, but there can be any number of claims each year providing the total does not go over £2,000.

The basic cover on the Pet Health Insurance includes up to £5,000-worth of veterinary fees for dogs and £4,000 for cats, third party liability, payments for death from accident or pets lost through theft or straying, boarding fees if the owner is in hospital for more than 48 hours, the cost of advertising to find a lost pet and post a reward, as well as help if a holiday is cancelled because of emergency surgery for the animal or if the pet goes missing.

Premiums, which can be waived for six months if an owner has to go into hospital, are calculated individually depending on where the owner lives. And if he or she is hospitalised, boarding or home care costs can be helped by payments of £500 for dogs and £250 for cats.

South Essex Insurance Brokers has designed the policy to suit caring owners but recognising that costs can be extensive.

"Accidents are the cause of the majority of claims, so we have designed one policy just for this type of emergency," said South Essex Insurance Brokers director Colin Baker. "The other one covers most of the cash-consuming incidents which can confront the most caring pet owner."

More details are available by calling 0845 450 0652 for Pet Accidental Injury Insurance, 0845 011 9580 for Pet Health Insurance or visiting


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