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The UKtv Home Report : Pets Win Prizes

The old adage that we're a 'nation of pet lovers' rings true this week, as UKTV release findings from The UKTV Home Report: 2003. In the UK a man's best friend is indeed his pet; as over three quarters of the population (77%), of those surveyed who own a pet, say that their four legged friends are treated like a member of the family. A further 9% say that their pets are treated 'like Royalty'.

Scots are found to be the UK's biggest pet lovers with 85% saying that their pets are treated like a member of the family but Northerners must have the most pampered pooches - 17% of Northerners surveyed think their pets are treated like Royalty. As a contrast, in the West Country no one surveyed said that they treated their pets 'like Royalty' but 18%, the highest figure in the country, said their pets are treated like pets... much loved but out in the kennel.

· UKTV would like to stress the importance of responsible pet ownership, check out for further information.

The UKTV Home Report is the result of a nationwide survey of over 1,000 people, conducted by ICM. For further information and survey findings contact Marcia Keenan, Jonny Lockwood or Melanie Annett at Haygarth PR on 020 8971 3300.

About UKTV

The UKTV Home Report 2003 is part of the 'UKTV brings you Home' campaign. Launched in December 2002, it brings together the company's seven channel brands - UK Gold, UK Drama, UK History, UK Horizons, UK Style, UK Food and UK Bright Ideas - to form a powerful and compelling picture of what makes life in Britain great.

Each of the UKTV channels presents a different aspect of UK culture - the place we live, the history, the humour and the people that make up our perception of home.

UKTV is jointly owned by the BBC and Flextech Television, a division of Telewest Communications plc.


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