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Do You Love Horses?

Then join Bob Jeffreys and Suzanne Sheppard for

A Special Partnership Training for Horse & Rider Weekend/Fundraiser

for Stride of Central New York - March 5th -8th at SUNY Morrisville

Prizes! Raffles! And Fun!

Bob Jeffreys, the founder of the Partnership Training for Horse & Rider System, and his partner, Suzanne Sheppard a Centered Riding Instructor, will be appearing at the SUNY Morrisville, NY, March 5th 7-9pm. A fabulous Friday Night Show will be followed by a Saturday/Sunday riding and horse training clinic. Bob and Suzanne intertwine Centered Riding techniques and natural horsemanship in an innovative and exciting manner. You’ll also learn Bob’s incredibly effective Vowel Method of Applied Pressure.

Whether you have your own horse or just dream about having one you’ll be thoroughly entertained as you watch Bob work his magic on some lucky horse in this family-friendly, educational show while helping to support the Strides of Central New York Therapeutic riding programs. While you are there learn how Strides of Central New York has teamed up with NYSEG to save you money!

The Friday Night Show begins at 7:00 pm, admission is $15, $10 for children 12 yrs. and under. Riders who wish to participate in the clinic must register in advance. Call Bob Jeffreys Clinics at (845) 692-7478 or visit for more information or to register.

For about the price of a movie ticket you can see one of the most dynamic horse teaching shows around and help a great cause – Stride of Central NY – Therapeutic Riding Center

t A great time will be had by all!


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Copyright 1994 to 2024 Equiworld at Hayfield, Aberdeen, Scotland - 30 years on the web. Archived Version.