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World Reining Trophy 2004 - Schedule changed

As the showmanagement already informed, the EUR 160,000.-- World Reining Trophy (Mooslargue, France, June 8-13, 2004) will now offer an Intermediate
Open class as well. With this additional class, the show schedule had to be changed. The World REining Trophy now starts on June 8, 2004 with a Paid Warm-up. On Wednesday, there will be the Go-round of the EUR 30,000.-- NRHA Lawson Bronze Trophy Non-Pro, on Thursday the Go-round of the NRHA Lawson Bronze Trophy Open with a total purse of WEUR 100,000.-- (added). Both Intermediate classes (Non Pro and Open) will take place on Friday. The finals of the Bronze Trophys as well as the Open and Non Pro Cutting will be during the week-end.

For schedule and nomination forms please refer to Please remember to book ypour tickets early, as there are only 1500 seats in
the showarena.


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