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Nine Illegally Grazed Ponies Arrive at HorseWorld

HorseWorld is urging all horse owners to ensure their animals are being grazed on suitable land after 9 animals arrived at their Welfare Yard in Whitchurch requiring immediate attention. The ponies had all been illegally grazed on land belonging to Wessex Water near Bath, and legal ownership of the animals has now been passed to HorseWorld after the owner failed to respond to a 14 day notice served by Wessex Water.

The land where the ponies were kept is unsuitable for grazing, and staff at Wessex Water had become very concerned for the animals' welfare following the death of two foals, either during or just after birth. On arrival at HorseWorld, it became apparent that all of the animals had a very significant worm burden, in addition to overgrown feet. Several of the animals were underweight, and three have since been confirmed as pregnant.

Two ponies with Hannah Ladd and Tony Starr

HorseWorld staff are now caring for the ponies, and are hoping that this episode will not have harmed the unborn foals. Gill Banks, HorseWorld Groom said; "They are a lovely bunch of ponies, and we're looking forward to bringing them on. Some of them have obviously never been handled, so we're going to have build up their trust first."

Julia Fleming, Wessex Water's Communication Manager said; "We were obviously concerned about the welfare of the ponies and wanted to ensure that the right home was found. The land is totally unsuitable for horses and we're pleased that they now have the grazing and care they need."

Owners that illegally graze their horses on private or common land run the risk of having their animals removed, and the legal ownership transferred to another body under agricultural legislation. HorseWorld urges all owners to ensure their animals are being grazed legally on suitable land in order to prevent this unfortunate situation happening again.


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