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“John Pearce and Champagne on their way to victory in the $75,000 ‘Big Ben’ Memorial Grand Prix at the 2003 edition of the Capital Classic Show Jumping Tournament.”
Photo credit – Cealy Tetley
Expanded Capital Classic Show Jumping Tournament Jumps into Ottawa

Ottawa, Ontario --- Plans are underway for the expanded 2004 edition of the Capital Classic Show Jumping Tournament to be held from Tuesday, July 13, through Sunday, July 18, at the Nepean National Equestrian Park in Ottawa, ON.

One of the largest show jumping tournaments in Canada, the Capital Classic Show Jumping Tournament annually welcomes over 700 competitors from all over the world to compete for more than $150,000 in prize money. Traditionally a five-day tournament, the 2004 edition has expanded its schedule to six days of competition running Tuesday to Sunday in order to accommodate the overwhelming number of entries.

Riders welcome the opportunity to compete on the spectacular grass Grand Prix field, considered one of the best in Canada, designed by Olympic course designer, Robert Jolicoeur of Montreal, QC. Acting as course designer in the Grand Prix ring for the second consecutive year is 1991 Pan American Games individual gold medalist Danny Foster of Milton, ON.

The 2004 edition of the Capital Classic will once again feature the ever-popular $35,000 Jumping Derby on Saturday, July 17, as well as the $75,000 ‘Big Ben’ Memorial Grand Prix, one of the richest grand prix events in the country, on Sunday, July 18. Many of the world’s best show jumping competitors will once again be on hand including Canadian Olympian John Pearce, defending champion of the $75,000 ‘Big Ben’ Memorial Grand Prix. After narrowly defeating Yann Candele of France for the win in 2003, Pearce is sure to return in top form to contest the sixth annual ‘Big Ben’ Memorial Grand Prix that commemorates the prolific career of Canada’s top show jumping horse.

Crowd favourites also include Friday’s $10,000 ‘Kubota’ Open Welcome Stake and the ever-popular $5,000 Horse and Dog Relay where horse/rider combinations team up with agility dogs from local clubs.

The young show jumping stars of the future will be showcased in the Canadian Young Horse Jumper Development Series. On Friday, July 16, prior to the $10,000 ‘Kubota’ Open Welcome Stake, the grand prix ring will play host to this important competition that has emerged as one of the most popular on the show jumping circuit. Featuring competitions specifically designed for four, five and six-year-old horses, the Canadian Young Horse Jumper Development Series plays a vital role in identifying and developing the champions of tomorrow.

The Capital Classic Show Jumping Tournament is also pleased to introduce the $5,000 Classic Hunter Challenge which will see two competition rings combined to create one large showcase of the country’s best. And, for the first time, the Capital Classic will also host the Classic Summer Breeders Show on Saturday, July 17, and the Classic Saddle, Harness and Heavy Horse Show on Sunday, July 18.

The Capital Classic Show Jumping Tournament is honoured to once again benefit The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada. Proceeds will be donated to this very special organization that grants wishes to children with high-risk life-threatening illnesses.

Located in Ottawa’s west-end at the Nepean National Equestrian Park, at the Moodie Drive exit off of the 417 Highway, the annual Capital Classic Show Jumping Tournament attracts more than 10,000 spectators. For more information, please visit


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