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The British Horse Society applauds efforts of local council in the fight against Ragwort

Worcester City Council, in a bid to control the spread of Ragwort, are holding a 'Ragwort clearance morning' at Aconbury Orchard, nr Newton Hospital, Worcester, on Saturday 3 April from 10.00 am onwards.

Ragwort (Senecio Jacobaea) contains the toxic properties of several pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) which are poisonous to equines, cattle, deer, sheep, pigs, goats, dogs and humans, with equines being the most susceptible. Even small amounts of ragwort ingested by equines will cause damage to the liver with clinical signs only showing once the liver is 75% destroyed, at which stage the damage is irreversible.

The British Horse Society sponsored Ragwort Control Act became law on 20 February 2004 and provides for a statutory code of practice to prevent and control the spread of ragwort, the first time such a code has been established.

The BHS is delighted that Worcester County Council are taking such a 'hands on' approach to combat this weed. The council is inviting everyone to come along, whether they are horse owners, land owners, or just interested in finding out more on Ragwort. Protective gloves and tools will be provided.

For more information, and a location plan, please contact Rory McClure, tel 01905 722500, Worcester City Council, Orchard House, Farrier Street, Worcester WR1 3BB (during office hours). A second clearance day is also planned for the 17 July 2004


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