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Federation Equestre Internationale News

'Last chance¹ competition for drivers in 's-Hertogenbosch

>From 25 to 28 March the Brabanthallen in Os-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, will host the 37th edition of the Indoor Brabant Horse Show. Indoor Brabant was one of the first horse shows that introduced indoor carriage driving many years ago and has been part of the FEI World Cup Driving since the start in 2001/2002. With only one World Cup event to go after the CAI-W Os-Hertogenbosch, the performances during Indoor Brabant will for an important part determine the final standings.

Indoor Brabant-winner 2003 Boyd Exell (3rd in the standings) will drive a borrowed team of Cobs again and must end on the 3rd place or higher in order to climb in the standings. Hungary¹s Jozsef Dobrovitz (7th) and home driver Ijsbrand Chardon (9th) will also get their last opportunity to win World Cup points. German drivers Christoph Sandmann (4th) and Rainer Duen (8th) will compete at the World Cup event in Gothenburg (Sweden), but are eager to score as much points as possible in Os-Hertogenbosch. If Sandmann wins on Sunday, he will automatically claim the second position in the final standings. The wild card has been allocated to 31-year old Mark Weusthof. Weusthof successfully competed during the Indoor World Cup season 2002/2003, where he came second in ¹s-Hertogenbosch. Weusthof did not qualify for this season¹s World Cup circuit, but the sympathetic driver from Twente (eastern Holland) regularly competes at indoor events in the Netherlands and Germany.
The warm up competition takes place on Saturday 27 March at 19.00 hrs and will be broadcasted live on Dutch television (Nederland 2).The World Cup competition is scheduled on Sunday evening 28 March at approximately 20.00 hrs.

Created in 2001, the Driving World Cup has provided an innovative new style of competition for indoor events, with courses combining marathon and cone driving obstacles. The 2003/2004 season of the World Cup includes seven events with eight competitions: Stuttgart (GER), Stockholm (SWE), Mechelen (BEL) in 2003; Leipzig (GER), two competitions in Vigo (ESP), 's-Hertogenbosch (NED) and Göteborg (SWE) in 2004. The winner of the first two editions of the World Cup was Michael Freund

Relevant internet addresses:
CAI-W Os-Hertogenbosch:
World Cup Driving:


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