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Federation Equestre Internationale News

FEI World Cup Driving News ; Chardon shocks Os-Hertogenbosch

Australia¹s Boyd Exell has won the FEI World Cup competition in ¹s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. The biggest surprise however, cam from home driver IJsbrand Chardon. The triple World Champion was determined to finish his last World Cup competition of this season in the top three and so he did. Germany¹s Christoph Sandmann knocked down three cones in the second round, which made him end on the third place.

Boyd Exell, winner of the FEI World Cup in ¹s-Hertogenbosch in 2003, drove Fred Pendlebury¹s Cobs deliberately smooth and fast through the first round..
The best three drivers from the first round qualified for the second round, in which they started blanco again. OWe planned to drive safely in order to qualify for the second round and I was very happy that my plan worked, despite one knock-down,¹ explains Exell. The Britain-based driver beat his first-round time by five seconds and was very pleased with his result: OThe advantage of the Cob team is that it is a working outdoor team that performs well indoor. What we loose on the straight line, we win in the corners.¹ Exell decided to shorten the pole of his carriage, which resulted in less penalty seconds than in the competitions he drove before.

IJsbrand Chardon was well on his way to win his last indoor competition, but a miscommunication between him and his horses cost him the first place. OI was in the winning mood all the time. After I came last in yesterday¹s warm up competition, I just wanted to go for it today. I drove the first round to win, and so I did.¹ In the second round, his horses hesitated a little bit by the new isle-shaped bridge, designed by World Cup course designer Johan Jacobs from the Netherlands. OI felt that I had lost precious seconds so I decided to take a shortcut towards the finish. My horses misunderstood and we hit one of the obstacles, which cost me five penalty seconds and my victory.¹ Chardon was nevertheless very happy that he was able to finish his World Cup season with a second place in the only World Cup event in his home

Wild card driver Mark Weusthof was a little disappointed with his fourth place. OMy horses went well and I drove fast enough, but I just hit too many balls,¹ explains the 31-year old driver. OWhen you drive at this level, such mistakes cost you a lot. My goal was to end in the top three. As a wild card driver I wanted to proove to the organizer that I was worth the invitation.¹

Hungarian driver Jozsef Dobrovitz, also driving his last competition in ¹s-Hertogenbosch, had 15 penalty seconds added to his name and came fifth. Germany¹s Rainer Duen hit one of the obstacle elements which cost him time and penalty seconds and ended on the sixth place.

The drivers were very pleased with the course, designed by Johan Jacobs. Chardon explains: OThe course consisted of long and short lines, which was good for the competitors and the crowd to follow. The new bridge offers a lot of new possibilities in the World Cup coursedesign.¹

Christoph Sandmann and Rainer Duen will start in the last FEI World Cup competition in Göteborg, Sweden, from 8-11 April 2004. They will have to compete against their fellow countryman Michael Freund, who has received a wild card, as well as the second wild card driver Fredrik Persson, Tomas Eriksson, Werner Ulrich and Jozsef Bozsik.

Results CAI-W ¹s-Hertogenbosch:
1. Boyd Exell (Aus)118,61 (5)
2. IJsbrand Chardon(Ned) 121,20 (5)
3. Christoph Sandmann(Ger) 129,44 (15)
4. Mark Weusthof (Ned)134,41 (15)
5. Jozsef Dobrovitz(Hun) 136,40 (15)
6. Rainer Duen (Ger)149,51 (15)

Classification after 7 of 8 events:
1. Michael Freund (Ger)40
2. Boyd Exell (Aus) 27
3. Gert Schrijvers(Bel) 22
4. Christoph Sandmann(Ger) 19
5. Tomas Eriksson (Swe)14
6. Ijsbrand Chardon(Ned) 14
7. Werner Ulrich (Sui)13
8. Jozsef Dobrovitz(Hun) 13
9. Rainer Duen (Ger)10
10. Chester Weber (Usa)5

Created in 2001, the Driving World Cup has provided an innovative new style of competition for indoor events, with courses combining marathon and cone driving obstacles. The 2003/2004 season of the World Cup includes seven events with eight competitions: Stuttgart (GER), Stockholm (SWE), Mechelen (BEL) in 2003; Leipzig (GER), two competitions in Vigo (ESP), 's-Hertogenbosch (NED) and Göteborg (SWE) in 2004. The winner of the first two editions of the World Cup was Michael Freund

Relevant internet addresses:
CAI-W Os-Hertogenbosch:
World Cup Driving:


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