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Pippa and Primmore's Pride clear the last to win Burghley and the Rolex Grand Slam.
The Funnell Factor - Sell-Out Tour
Last Minute Seats Available For The Funnell At Addington

What? The Funnell Factor - an evening of entertainment with World number one 3-day event rider, Pippa Funnell, and her husband, international show jumper, William Funnell.
Where? Addington Equestrian Centre
When? Thursday 4th March, commencing at 7.30pm. Doors open at 4.30pm for shopping at a selection of tradestands.
Tickets: To pre-book, call 01403 865320, visit, or purchase at the door, cost £15.

Pippa Funnell, the World number one 3-day event rider, and her husband, international show jumper William Funnell, will present The Funnell Factor, an evening of entertainment and training with some of their top horses.

The Funnell Factor is touring the UK and the shows have proved a sell-out success, prompting last minute additional seating to be installed at the Addington Venue. Tickets cost £15 and will be available on the door to ensure that as many people as possible get to see the show.

In 2003 Pippa became the first rider ever to win the richest prize in the history of the sport, the Rolex Grand Slam. She was also a finalist in the BBC Sports Personality of the Year among her many other triumphs and is currently number 1 in the World Rankings.

The Funnell Factor will be enjoyed by all horse lovers.


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