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International Western Riding Show at Kampmann Pferdesport Festival in Bremen:
Rudi Kronsteiner wins first CRI, Rieky Young the NRHA Lawson Bronze Trophy Open

The 17th International Western Riding Show at the Kampmann Pferdesport Festival in Bremen (February 27 and 28, 2004) was really a sight to see. There were more than 200 horses from Germany, Belgium, France, Denmark, Sweden, Austria and even Italy. But Bremen was not only an attraction for the competitors, but also for spectators. For the western night on Saturday evening, the indoor arena was completely sold out. More than 2200 tickets had been sold.

Rieky Young and Burnt Starlight

Friday started with the halter classes, the largest being that of the Aged mares, which was won by Skips Golden Dimond (owner Jens Kuhn, presented by Volker Laves). The mare also became Grand Champion Mare. As in 2003, one Grand Champion Title of the Stallions (Judge A. Mitchels) went to JMC Dee Lucky Straw, presented by his owner Marianne Christensen, Denmark. The other went to CL Sail D Shasta presented by Volker Laves (judge Joe Carter (CAN)). Grand Champion Geldings was Hint of Marlana (judge J. Carter). The 5-year-old red roan also Allaround Champion in two categories after winning in Halter and Junior Trail and becoming Res. Champion in Junior Western Pleasure and Western Riding Open. The other Grand Champion Gelding was the 3-year-old HL Special Star, bred, owned and presented by Hubertus Luering (judge: A. Mitchels).

In the performance classes, Bremen had more to offer than ever before. Among the highlights, there were the NSBA Morrison Bronze Trophy and the new Jan Mapes Cutting Trophy. The NSBA Morrison Bronze Trophy Champion was won by Imagimotion and Hubertus Jagfeld. The 3-year-old chestnut stallion was bred in the U.S.A. and is by Barpassers Image out of an own daughter of Hotrodders Jet Set. The stallion which is owned by Sabine Gresens, also won the Junior Western Pleasure with both judges. Bonnies Good Asset and Torsten Haier placed second, BD Dirty Beau Zippo and Henning Daude placed third..

There were 20 competitors in the Jan Mapes Trophy. Chics Peppy Boy and Hans Kuhn had a phantastic presentation scoring 144 points. For a long time, it seemed that nobody could beat him this time. Then came Alain Boissier, France. He obviously knew how to choose the right cow at once and had a fabulous ride astride Smartlite, a 9-year-old gelding by Smart Little Lena out of an own daughter of Grays Starlight. They scored 147 points - the top score of the show! Thus Boissier won the Eggersmann Cutting Cup as well as the JaN Mapes Bronze Trophy, Hans Kuhn placing second and Royal Lou Queen and Andrea Wolters placing third (141.5 points).

Boissier am Rind

The largest classes by far were the reinings. Besides the Junior and Senior Reinings there were the NRHA Lawson Bronze Trophy in Open and Non Pro. Especially the NRHA Lawson Bronze Trophy Open was a sight to see: Among 24 competitors, Rieky Young (Netherlands) astride Burnt Starlight (owner Scheffer & Young, NL) won the Trophy. They won puls-points especially in the turnarounds, the rundowns and stops scoring 146.5 altogether. Burnt Starlight is a 6-year-old stallion by Gallo Del Cielo out of an own daughter of Freckles Playboy. Rudi Kronsteiner placed second astride As Smart As Charly. He scored 144.5 points although there had been some misunderstanding between horse and rider especially during the first rundown. Great job, Rudi! Chris Feichter (Italy) placed third astride Pine Dun It (Netherlands).

The NRHA Bronze Trophy Non Pro was won by Eberhard Simon. He had a superb performance astride Sue Jac Bar, an International Jac / Silver King Cody bred mare which he bred and trained himself. Lady Lena Twist and Tina Kuenstner (Austria) placed second, Custom Berry and Ingrid Vermeiren (Belgium) placed third.

But Bremen offered another highlight as well: the first CRI internationally. For the first $ 100,000.-FEI Reining Masters 2004 at Oklahoma City, competitors have to qualify via CRI (Concours Reining International). The rider with the largest amount of prize money won in these competitions will represent his/her country in the U.S.A. The finalists of the WEG in Jerez can nominate two riders.

30 riders had been nominated in Bremen, among them Rudi Kronsteiner and Tina Kuenstner for Austria and Rick Lemay for Sweden. The first CRI winner finally was Rudi Kronsteiner (Austria) astride Hollywood Reckless, scoring 144 points. Hollywood Reckless is by Hollywood Eighty Six and is owned by B.V. Avelbar (Netherlands) steht.. Volker Schmitt placed second astride TT Joker Jac, scoring 143,5 and third astride Storm Warning Whiz scoring 143 - together with Tina Kuenstner (Austria). Volker Schmitt thus already collected EUR 593,75 at the 'Reining Masters Quali Account'. Henning Daude and Grischa Ludwig both scored 142 points which meant 5th place and EUR 187,50 each. They are in the FEI Rining Masters qualification as well now

The CRI was run class in class with the second qualification for the German Reining Championship (FN-DOKR). The Qualifiers for the German Championship in Bremen were Volker Schmitt (twice /143,5 and 143 points), Henning Daude (142 points), Grischa Ludwig (141 points), Oliver Stein (140 points) and Philipp-Martin Haug (139,5 points.


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