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Catherine Morelli And BeSe Win Intermediaire I, CDI*** At Winter Equestrian Festival

WELLINGTON, FL – March 20, 2004 – Topping a class of 20 entries, Catherine Morelli, 60, of Bedminster, NJ, and Wellington, FL, rode Diane Rosenberg’s BeSe to victory in the Intermediaire I, CDI at the Winter Equestrian Festival today, earning 70.60%. Canada’s Ashley Holzer aboard Gambol placed second – just splits behind the winner on a score of 70.30%. Heather Bender of Wellington rode her own Winwood to third place, earning judge’s marks of 69.90%. The class was a Qualifying Competition for the 2004 USET Intermediaire I Championship.

BeSe is an 11-year-old, 16-hand bay Dutch warmblood gelding by Flemmingh out of Wabatsje that Morelli has had the ride on for three years. Yesterday, the duo tied for first place in the Prix St. Georges, CDI with Michael Shondell and his Wallaby.

Judging today’s class was: Mariette Withages (O) Belgium; Beatrice Buerchler-Keller (O) Switzerland; Uwe Mechlem (O) Germany; Axel Steiner (O) United States; and Lois Yukins (I) United States.

Julie Watchorn And Quintesse Win Young Rider Prix St. Georges, CDI/Y

Julie Watchorn of Schomberg, Ontario, and Quintesse notched their second win in this CDI, scoring 64.850% to best a class of seven entries in the Young Rider Prix St. Georges, CDI/Y. Quintesse is an 11-year-old, 16.2-hand, bay Belgian Warmblood mare by Latano out of Idit.

Adrienne Rogers of Newnan, GA, riding her own Dutch gelding Milky Way placed second with a score of 62.100%. Stacy Gormley of Royal Palm Beach, FL, and her Rhinelander gelding Fidelis 9 earned 59.800% for third. The class was a Qualifying Competition for the 2004 North American Young Rider’s Championships.

The international panel officiating was: Gary Rockwell (C) United States; Marianne Ludwig (I) United States, Axel Steiner (O) United States; Beatrice Buerchler-Keller (O) Switzerland, and Christophe Hess (I) Germany.

The Zada Enterprises WEF Dressage Classic CDI***/Y, is the third of three dressage shows held at the Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club as part of the 2004 Winter Equestrian Festival. With more than 300 horses entered, the three-star CDI is the largest of the 2004 WEF dressage shows. Four rings are in action through tomorrow, March 21, which is ‘Freestyle Sunday’ featuring kurs to music in USDF Test of Choice, Intermediaire I Open, Intermediaire I CDI, Young Riders CDI, and Grand Prix, CDI.


Show days for the 2004 Winter Equestrian Festival are Wednesday through Sunday. Gates open at 8:00 am. Ticket Prices: Wednesdays are free to everyone; Children 12 and under are admitted free every day; Young Adults 13 to 18 and Seniors are $5 on Thursday through Sunday; Adults are $5 on Thursday and Friday, $10 on Saturday, and $15 on Sunday. The Palm Beach Polo Equestrian Club is located on Pierson Road off South Shore Boulevard. For additional information, visit or call 561-793-5867.

For ticket information for the $200,000 Budweiser American Invitational Presented by Publix and The Tampa Tribune, visit or call (813) 253-2782 or Toll-Free (877) 909-9436. Ticket prices range from $20 to $70 for reserved seating at the Raymond James Stadium.


March 18 – 21 Zada Enterprises WEF Dressage Classic CDI***/Y

(Qualifier for Olympic Selection Trials)

March 24 - 28 Tampa Bay Classic CSI-W (Bob Thomas Equestrian Center)

March 30 - April 3 Tournament of Champions CSI-W (Bob Thomas Equestrian Center)

April 3 Budweiser American Invitational (Raymond James Stadium)


March 28 $75,000 Grand Prix of Tampa, presented by Kilkenny/ICH, CSI-W

April 3 $200,000 Budweiser American Invitational,

Presented by Publix and The Tampa Tribune


Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, NC

April 9 -11 Charlotte Jumper Classic CSI****

April 11 $150,000 Grand Prix of Charlotte For the Charlotte Bobcat Cup



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