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Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center to Host Clinic with Jerry Schwartz

Kingston, RI—April 10, 2002— In conjunction with the National Disability Sports Alliance (NDSA), Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center in Woodinville, WA, will host a dressage clinic with Jerry Schwartz, May 4-6.

Schwartz is a United States Dressage Federation (USDF) Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medalist and is chairperson for the USDF Council of Competitors. He recently participated in a Disabled Athletes Training Clinic at the International Academy for Equestrian Studies in Warendorf, Germany and Birmingham, England.

The clinic will comprise 45 minute private sessions over the three days of the event. There is no fee for NDSA athlete members who wish to participate. A fee of $50 will be required for disabled riders who are not NDSA members, and able-bodied riders may participate for a fee of $100.

Horses will be provided to all riders, and stabling will be available free of charge to riders who opt to bring their own horses. Participants must supply their own saddle and any special equipment they require. For more information on the clinic, please contact Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center at (425) 882-1554.

The National Disability Sports Alliance is the national governing body for equestrian sport for riders with disabilities. NDSA is responsible for the development and selection of riders for national championship and international competitions, including the Paralympic Games, and provides training, competition and advocacy for riders with physical disabilities. Please visit for more information about NDSA.


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