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USA Equestrian Announces Varsity Equestrian Championship

As equestrian sport continues to move toward full NCAA status, the first Varsity Equestrian Championship will be held April 20, 2002, at Full Partners Farm in Gainesville, Florida. All schools which have declared varsity status with the NCAA have been invited, and thirteen Division I and II schools will participate in equestrian competition to name the first Varsity Champion. Student riders from Auburn University, College of Charleston, Cornell University, University of Findlay, Fresno State University, Kansas State University, Oklahoma State University, Pace University, Stonehill College, Texas A & M University, University of Georgia, University of South Carolina, and West Texas A & M University will compete in both Hunt Seat and Western competitions based on the format developed by the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association, in this precursor to what one day may become an NCAA Championship.

Boo Major Duncan, Coach at USC explains, " This first championship will be the beginning blueprint of what will become the NCAA Equestrian Championship
in the future. It is not a final product but a place to start. Each year we are able to hold this championship, before Equestrian reaches varsity status in the NCAA, will give us the opportunity to see what format works and what doesn't. We are most thankful for the help USA Equestrian has given us in this endeavor and hope to continue the relationship."

USA Equestrian Inc., as the National Equestrian Federation of the U.S., is the regulatory body for the Olympic and World Championship sports of dressage, driving, endurance, eventing, reining, show jumping, and vaulting, as well as 19 other breeds and disciplines of equestrian competition. As
the country's largest multi-breed organization, the Federation has over 80,000 members and recognizes more than 2,800 competitions nationwide each year. It governs all aspects of competition, including educating and licensing all judges, stewards, and technical delegates who officiate at these shows.
The vision of USA Equestrian is to provide leadership for equestrian sport in the United States of America, promoting the pursuit of excellence from the grass roots to the Olympic Games, based on a foundation of fair, safe competition and the welfare of its horses, and embracing this vision, to be the best national equestrian federation in the world.


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