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 Celebrate The Horse! Show
Susan Harris’ famous Visible Horse Demo & Bob Jeffreys’ The Partnership Show featuring Suzanne Sheppard

Anatomy in motion-see Susan lunge a horse upon which she’s painted the muscular & skeletal systems, learn how to speak to horses with body language, and watch a rider stay in balance while riding a bridle-less horse … blindfolded!

Enjoy a unique evening of equine family fun with vendors, food and prizes!

Help support Winslow Therapeutic Riding, Running Fox Pony Club, & Mid-Hudson Horse Trails Association!

Friday May 9, 6:30 pm
Red Gate Farm Bloomingburg, NY

Admission: Adults $20

Pony Clubbers, 4-Hers, homeschoolers,

and children 12 & under $15

Call (845) 692-7478, or visit for info



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Copyright 1994 to 2024 Equiworld at Hayfield, Aberdeen, Scotland - 30 years on the web. Archived Version.