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CSI*** Modena (Ita)
1- 3 May 2003

The following riders have been authorised to compete at the above mentioned show:-

Andrew Davies From Warrington, CHESHIRE with Limbo V *(Miss M J Hall) and Celine II *(Miss M J Hall).

Robert Bevis From Wrexham, CLWYD with Mid Time *(Mrs I Clutton) and Hosire des Chaines *(Mrs I Clutton).

Robert Maguire From Wigan, LANCS with Two Mills Showtime *(Mr R Maguire) and Mr Cawley *(Mrs J Zilli).

William Funnell From Dorking, SURREY with Cortaflex Amber du Montois *(Mrs D Stamp/Equine America), Cortaflex Machiavelli *(Mrs J Slade/Equine America) and Cortaflex Kristel *(Ms S Boy/Equine America).

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