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It's Game Fair Time For BETA

Following last year's huge success, BETA will once again be out in force at this year's CLA Game Fair.

Held at Blenheim Palace, in Oxfordshire the Game Fair will play a host to a Hooked on Horses area, where BETA will have a stand.

BETA staff will be on hand to provide visitors to the event with information on safety and advice to assist those wishing to set up a business in the equestrian sector.

BETA Chief Executive and Secretary Claire Williams said: "We are very pleased to be at the CLA Game Fair once again. Our presence there is a major step forward for the equestrian industry working with other parts of the outdoor leisure and sporting sectors.

"Anyone wanting to learn about safety, setting up a business and the work carried out by BETA will be very welcome at the stand."

Running from July 23 to 25, the Hooked on Horses Main Arena will include a variety of events, including Carriage Driving, the Sealmaster Morgan Horses and the Shetland Pony Grand National. The mini ring will also feature a day long programme of displays and presentations.

For more information on BETA contact Claire Williams on 01937 587062.


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