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Royal Windsor- a driven success

A highlight on the calendar of International driving competitors around the world, Royal Windsor Horse Show 13th-16th May 2004, justifiably lays claim to providing the most famous driving venue in the UK. Held in the stunning public and private grounds of Windsor Castle, Berkshire, The Land Rover International Driving Grand Prix not only boasts a palatial course but also enjoys royal participation in the form of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, whose entry has been received for this year’s event.

The first ever running of the prestigious World Cup Qualifier has attracted 31 of the best Horse Teams in the world to Royal Windsor this year, including IJ Chardon from the Netherlands and Felix Brasseur from Belgium. Meanwhile a total of 91 competitors from 21 countries will be competing in the eight separate classes of the Land Rover International Driving Grand Prix. HRH The Duke of Edinburgh will be competing in the class for Teams of Ponies with HM The Queen’s talented Team of Fell ponies.

Most of the Private Driving classes, including the Hackney, RDA Driving for the Disabled and Heavy Horse classes, will be held exclusively in Home Park Private for the first time this year, in the new Home Park Ring. Another first will be the unveiling of two new obstacles in Section E of Saturday’s Marathon course. There will be free transport from the Town Gate at main Royal Windsor Horse Show site to Home Park Private during every day of the show.

Advance tickets for the Royal Windsor Horse Show are available from the box office, telephone 0870 121 5370 (or +44 115 912 9160 for international calls) and are from £10 with concession prices from £7. Children 12 and under can gain admission for free. FREE RINGSIDE SEATING (on a first come first served basis). A very attractive Membership package is also available by ringing 01753 860633. To find out more about Royal Windsor Horse Show visit the website at


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