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Stellar Roster of Riders Invited to Compete on April 3 in the $200,000 Budweiser American Invitational Presented by Publix and The Tampa Tribune

TAMPA, FL – March 31, 2004 – Stadium Jumping, Inc., producers of the $200,000 Budweiser American Invitational presented by Publix and The Tampa Tribune, officially announced today the roster of riders invited to compete in this year’s event. The “Super Bowl of Show Jumping” will be held at the Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida, on April 3, 2004, starting at 7:00 pm.

The list of invitations issued for the 32nd annual staging of this prestigious event was increased from 30 to 35 riders. According to Eugene R. Mische, president and founder of Stadium Jumping, Inc., the roster was expanded to include more riders who are Olympic hopefuls. The atmosphere and lights of the Raymond James Stadium at night with the electric charge of the crowd is similar to what riders can expect in Athens at the Olympic Games. Competing in the American Invitational will provide additional experience for America’s horses, according to Mr. Mische.

The current American Invitational titleholder, Chris Kappler, and members of the 2003 Pan Am Gold Medal Team received automatic invitations; the remainder of the invitees was determined by points won in the American Grandprix Association Rider of the Year standings as of March 28, 2004 (four riders) and money won in the WEF Challenge Cup Series of eight events plus the eight Grand Prix events held during the 2004 WEF season.

The following list shows the riders invited, ranked by money earned:

Place Rider Total Winnings
1 McLain Ward $73,825

2 Beezie Madden $56,325

3 Kevin Babington $52,500

4 Chris Kappler $49,200

5 Alison Firestone $43,650

6 Kimberly Frey $37,900

7 Anne Kursinski $35,150

8 Ian Millar $30,600

9 Norman Dello Joio $25,775

10 Lauren Hough $25,000

11 Laura Chapot $23,675

12 Derek Petersen $19,750

13 Eric Lamaze $15,500

14 Federico Sztyrle $14,750

15 Eric Hasbrouck $13,750

16 Georgina Bloomberg $12,700

17 Schuyler Riley $12,100

18 Harold Chopping $11,000

19 Megan Lamaze $10,775

20 Yann Candele $8,000

21 Leslie Howard $7,200

22 Judy Garofalo $7,050

23 Clare Bronfman $6,650

24 Ken Berkley $6,000

25 Ray Texel $5,375

26 Jeffery Welles $5,250

27 Molly Ashe $5,150

28 Laura Kraut $5,100

29 Christine Tribble $3,500

30 Kate Levy $3,500

31 Eliza Shuford $3,425

32 Todd Minikus $3,425

33 Jimmy Torano $2,500

34 Debbie Stephens $2,200

35 Mac Cone $2,000

For additional information, visit


For ticket information for the $200,000 Budweiser American Invitational Presented by Publix and The Tampa Tribune, visit or call (813) 253-2782 or Toll-Free (877) 909-9436. Ticket prices range from $20 to $70 for reserved seating at the Raymond James Stadium.


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