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Bits-A Quick Look

A free e-booklet, Bits-A Quick Look, is now available as an introduction to the new "Know and Go" series by Success Is Easy, the leader in online equine education courses.

The "Know and Go" series features short e-booklets on Conformation, Nutrition, Bits, Shoeing and Horse Behavior Modification. The series was written by Don Blazer, internationally know author/trainer and developer of the Success Is Easy Distance Learning program which offers Certificates of Recognition from participating colleges.

"Horsemen need a complete understanding of horses, equipment, behavior and health care in order to be successful," Blazer said. At the same time, we know horsemen are busy and don't have time to waste, so we want to provide the information they need in a faster, easier format." Blazer has taught for seven colleges and universities. He has demonstrated training techniques at clinics from Alaska to Australia. The author of hundreds of "how-to" articles for most of the major equine publications, Blazer is also the author five books on horse training techniques. "Our Know and Go series provides answers horsemen can use immediately, and get positive results."

Bits-A Quick Look explains the differences between snaffles and curbs and tells how, when and why each should be used.

"You can study bits, designs, styles and bit makers for years," Blazer acknowledges. "And we encourage every horseman to keep adding to his knowledge.

"Yet we recognize the benefits for horses and horsemen of making the absolute essentials available in a "quick facts" formula-that's what the Know and Go series is all about."

The Know and Go e-booklet on bits expands the look at bits by also considering the horse's mouth configuration and the fact that a milder bit is almost always a better training choice than a more severe bit.

Visitors to can order the free Bits e-booklet by clicking onto the books catalog section of the website. Horsemen without access to the Internet can order a printed copy of the booklet by sending a check for $3 to cover the costs of printing and postage to Success Is Easy, 7119 East Shea Blvd., Suite 109-271, Scottsdale, AZ 85254.

The Know and Go booklets on Conformation, Nutrition, Bits, Shoeing and Horse Behavior Modification are not available in hardcopy. Each e-booklet is $4.95 and can only be ordered at


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