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All England Dressage Derby Championships at Hickstead

Leading dressage riders will take part in 5 days of top competition at the newly named All England Dressage Derby Championships at Hickstead, on 24th - 28th July. As the UK's premier dressage venue, Dressage at Hickstead boasts a unique 'garden party' atmosphere that is relished by riders and spectators alike. This year promises an extravaganza of dressage at all levels in the build up to hosting the 2003 European Championships.

Among the most popular classes are the All England National Young Horse Championships for 5 and 6 year olds sponsored by Shearwater Corporate Services. The Championships are designed to bring future international prospects to the fore and, since their inception, they have become one of the most successful and prestigious young horse competitions.

David Holmes, Chief Executive of British Dressage, says "Young horse classes are particularly important in our sport because they heighten people's awareness of breeding issues. These Championships provide an opportunity to see the dressage horses of the future experiencing their first taste of the atmosphere at a major event."

An interesting innovation this year is the Judge and be Judged competition. A group of invited high profile judges and riders will each ride a test while being judged by the rest of the group. The class is the product of much creative thinking by Show Director, Dane Rawlins. "The judges will not only have to compete against each other, but will have to judge each other too! It should provide some interesting results." he said.

Another addition to the schedule is the popular and entertaining Intermediare 1 Pas de Deux to music, which will take place on Saturday afternoon. The class always interests spectators and gives competitors the chance to show flair and interpretation of the music while maintaining the accuracy of their movements.

The Pro/Am Championships add another dimension when the amateur riders of the 10 highest placed horses in the Elementary qualifier hand over to a professional dressage rider who will ride the horse in the final stage of the competition.

Dressage at all levels can be seen in classes for Novice, Elementary, Medium and Advanced Medium, plus Intermediare I, Prix St George and Grand Prix. Young riders also experience the atmosphere at this special venue during the Pony, Junior and Young Rider team tests that form part of the British Young Rider Dressage Scheme (BYRDS) Festival at this meeting.

Leading international judge, Mr Trond Asmyr from Denmark, has agreed to judge at these Championships and the International CDIO in August. Well known throughout the World, he is a great supporter of Dressage at Hickstead and was delighted to accept the invitation to judge.

The All England Dressage Derby Championships take place in conjunction with the Royal International Horse Show. "Dressage at Hickstead is an important part of our international horse shows and it is wonderful to see them going from strength to strength" says Douglas Bunn, Director of Hickstead. Thanks to his unerring support and the beautiful surroundings of the All England Jumping Course, Dressage at Hickstead is flourishing. Competitors and visitors alike enjoy the superb facilities and the great
atmosphere that is unique at this venue.

"We are looking forward to a great year" said Show Director, Dane Rawlins. "We have some very good riders coming to the International and trade stands and visitors can expect an excellent show" he said.

The International CDIO will be held at Dressage at Hickstead on 21st - 25th August 2002. The full programme of international dressage will feature the Hiscox Futurity Grand Prix, the Euro Future Cup, Grand Prix Special and Grand Prix Freestyle to Music as well as the All England International Young Horse Championships for 5 and 6 year olds, sponsored by Shearwater Corporate Services. Another highlight of this meeting is The Great Hickstead Ball, to be held on Saturday 24th August with hit 60's band, The Drifters, back by popular demand. For tickets, which should be booked early, call 01403 711247.

Dressage at Hickstead will host the 2003 European Dressage Championships to be held on 13th - 17th August 2003 and preparations are already well in hand. "We are very proud that these championships are to be held at Hickstead" said Dane Rawlins.

All England Dressage Derby Championships Programme

Class 1: Elementary 46 (2001) Open to riders 21years and under
Class 2: Medium 74 (2001) Open to riders 21years and under
Class 3: Novice Test 23 (1994) Open
Class 4: Novice Test 39 (1994) Open
Class 5: Qualifier for the Shearwater International British Championship for
the Young Dressage Horse 5 year old. Test - N1
Class 6: Qualifier for the Shearwater International British Championship for
the Young Dressage Horse 6 year old. Test- E1

THURSDAY 25th July
Class 7: Elementary Test 41 (1994) in the long arena. Open
In addition to being a normal affiliated class, this class serves as the
qualifying round of the Hickstead Elementary Pro/Am championship.
Class 8: Elementary Test 56 (1994) Open
Class 9: Medium Test No 65 (1994) Open
Class 10: Medium Test No 75 (1994) Open
National Prix St.Georges 2000 APSG2SQ
Round 1 of the Small Tour Championship (see note below)

FRIDAY 26th July
Class 12: Hickstead Elementary Pro/Am Championship final.
Kindly sponsored by MR I Deverall in memory of the late Rosemary Deverall
Elementary Test No 56 (1994). Open to the 10 highest placed horses, over
16hh in
Class 7. These horses to be ridden by a professional dressage rider chosen
by ballot
Class 13: Advanced Medium Test No 86 (1994)
Class 14: Advanced Medium Test No 95 (2001)
Class 15: Intermediare I (2000) ANN12SQ
Round 2 of the Small Tour Championship (see note below)
Class 16: GRAND PRIX No 120 (1995)
Round 1 of the Large Tour Championship (see note below)

Class 17: FEI Pony Team Test (1993). Riders aged 12 to 16 yrs.
Class 18: FEI Junior Team Test (1997). Riders aged 14 to 18 yrs.
Class 19: FEI Young Riders Team Test (1997). Riders aged 16 to 21 yrs.
HORSE. Test N1
Final round of the Small Tour Championship (see note below)
Round 2 of the Large Tour Championship (see note below)

HORSE. Test E1
Class 24: FEI Pony Individual Test (1993). Riders aged 12 to 16 yrs.
Class 25: FEI Junior Individual Test (1997). Riders aged 14 to 18 yrs.
Class 26: FEI Young Rider Individual Test (1998). Riders aged 16 to 21 yrs.
Class 27: GRAND PRIX SPECIAL No 123 (1999)
Final round of the Large Tour Championship (see note below)



The All England Dressage Derby Winner at Medium level will be decided on
points allocated to the winners in classes 9 and 10

The All England Dressage Derby Winner at Advanced Medium level will be
decided on points allocated to the winners in classes 13 and 14

The SMALL TOUR ALL ENGLAND DRESSAGE DERBY winner will be decided on points
allocated to the winners in classes 11, 15 and 21. A Trophy will be awarded
to the winner of this Derby.

The LARGE TOUR ALL ENGLAND DRESSAGE DERBY winner will be decided on points
allocated to the winners in classes 16, 22 and 27.
A Trophy will be awarded to the winner of this Derby.

PRIZEGIVINGS: There will be mounted prizegivings for all ALL ENGLAND
DRESSAGE DERBY Winners for trophies to be awarded. Times to be announced.


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