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The Story of War Admiral: Triple Crown Winner, Champion Sire, and Man o’ War’s Most Distinguished Son

Lexington, KYJune 17, 2002 Eclipse Press announces the publication of War Admiral, the seventeenth title in the Thoroughbred Legends series.

Only one son of the immortal Man o’ War approached his sire in greatness: War Admiral. In 1937, War Admiral swept the Triple Crown races, showing his courage in the Belmont Stakes in which he ran with a badly cut foot. Although the smallish brown colt did not resemble his imposing chestnut sire, War Admiral matched Man o’ War in racing mettle. He was a champion and a Horse of the Year.

Author Edward L. Bowen, biographer of Man o’ War, chronicles the exploits of War Admiral, including his historic battle with the great Seabiscuit. War Admiral raced until the age of five, then was retired to owner Samuel D. Riddle’s farm in Kentucky. There, he distinguished himself as a stallion, siring Horse of the Year Busher and other champions.

Bowen is the author of thirteen previous racing books, including At the Wire Horse Racing’s Greatest Moments.

Published by Eclipse Press, June 2002
ISBN: 1-58150-078-5
16-page photo well
Pages: 160, Bound Size: 6 x 8
Retail price: $24.95 Hardcover

Available at your local bookstore or Exclusively Equine
1-800-582-5604 (

Distributed to bookstores by National Book Network
1-800-462-6420 (

Eclipse Press is a division of The Blood-Horse, Inc., publishers of The Blood-Horse; The Horse; TBH MarketWatch; Keeneland magazine; Equine Images; the official Kentucky Derby and Breeders’ Cup souvenir magazines; and an array of books, videos, CD-ROMs, and annual references. The Blood-Horse, Inc. also operates The Blood-Horse Interactive on the web (, The Horse Interactive (, Eclipse Press (, Thoroughbred Legends (, Keeneland Magazine (, The HayNet (, and Exclusively Equine (

Copyright 2002, The Blood-Horse, Inc. All rights reserved. The Blood-Horse, The Horse, and TBH MarketWatch are registered trademarks of The Blood-Horse, Inc.


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