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Baileys Fine Tunes!

Baileys Horse Feeds are to sponsor the British Dressage Novice Freestyle Championship having signed a deal taking them to 2006. Baileys are no strangers to the sport of dressage, being involved with reigning National Champion, Nicky Barrett, and rising star, Gareth Hughes, and having previously supported individual classes at both affiliated and unaffiliated competitions and throughout the grades. Quite surprising then that the Novice Freestyle will be their first commitment to an affiliated series. "We've really enjoyed following our riders' successes over the past few months and after a super evening at the Winter Championships, I felt it was about time we got more involved with the sport," says Marketing Manager, Jane Buchan.

Novice freestyle to music was originally the brainchild of Jenny Loriston-Clarke, whose Catherston Stud first hosted and sponsored the series, and was responsible for encouraging numerous novice riders to take part. Its popularity has grown enormously over recent years, with the number of qualifying competitions growing from 12 to around 30 throughout the country from May to December. The top three riders from each qualifier are eligible to compete at one of four Regional Semi finals, with the prize winners there competing in the final at the Winter Championships, at Solihull.

From the top of the company down, Baileys are very much hands-on horse people with a passion for what they do and a very real understanding of the demands of the different disciplines, including dressage. Riders at all levels are encouraged to take advantage of the practical, knowledgeable, no obligation advice offered by their team of nutritionists in fine tuning horses diets for optimum performance. "Sponsoring this series will give us a chance to share in the enjoyment of a growing area of the sport and a further valuable opportunity to communicate with owners and riders and understand their needs," says Jane.


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