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horse British Horse Society announces formation of All Party Parliamentary Group for the Horse

The British Horse Society is pleased to announce that, following a reception attended by supportive MPs and held at the House of Commons yesterday (17 June), a BHS All Party Parliamentary Group has been formed to promote key issues in horse welfare.

Reception host and BHS Trustee, the Rt Hon Robin Cook MP, along with BHS Chairman Pat Campbell and BHS Trustee Dr Harry Greenway, welcomed guests to the reception where attendees listened to addresses by BHS Vice-Presidents Baroness Masham and Anne Vestey before discussing particular issues with BHS Chief Executive, Kay Driver, and Head of Welfare Kerstin Alford. Amongst those present at the reception were the Rt Hon Alun Michael, Minister for Rural Affairs and Minister for the Horse, and John Greenway MP, sponsor of the BHS Private Members' Bill on Ragwort.

Mr Cook, Labour MP for Livingston, kindly accepted an invitation to chair the group and Lady Winterton MP (Cons, Congleton) and Roger Williams MP (Lib/Dem, Brecon & Radnorshire) agreed to act as vice-chairmen. Supporting them will be joint secretaries, Mark Todd, Labour MP for South Derbyshire and Laurence Robertson, Conservative MP for Tewkesbury. Of the day BHS Chairman, Pat Campbell, said "I am very excited about the new Parliamentary Group and feel that this is the way forward. The day went extremely well and the positive response from the MP's is very encouraging."

In support, Dr Harry Greenway who is also Chairman of the BHS Parliamentary and Public Affairs Committee and was himself a member of parliament for nearly twenty years, commented, "This was a highly successful venture for the BHS and we are delighted that Robin Cook has agreed to chair the all party group with such a strong team of supporting MPs as officers and members. The BHS is moving forward in the parliamentary arena, strengthening its position as the horse world's leading lobbying organisation."


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