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8th Congress of the World Equine Veterinary Association

October 15-17, 2003 - Buenos Aires, Argentina

List of topics and invited speakers

· Quality Standards for Frozen Semen, Sandro Barbacini (Italy)
· The Hematological Evaluation of Equine Athlete, Warwick Bayly (USA)
· Aerosol Treatment in the Treatment of Equine Respiratory Conditions, Warwick Bayly (USA)
· Equine Piroplasmosis: the disease and its importance in the international movement of horses, Teótimo Becú (Argentina)
· Prepurchase Examination in the Western Horse, Jerry Black (USA)
· Wet Lab 3 - Ergospirometry in the treadmill, Federico Boffi (Argentina)
· Radio Frequency Identification in Horses: An Independent Analysis, Paolo De Iuliis (Italy)
· Wet Lab 3 - Ergospirometry in the treadmill, Enrique Desmarás (Argentina)
· Recent Developments in the Diagnosis of Foot Pain: What have we Learned from MRI, Sue Dyson (United Kingdom)
· Lameness Associated with Deep Digital Flexor Tendonitis in the Digit, Sue Dyson (United Kingdom)
· Problems Associated with the Sacroiliac Region. Whera are we now?, Sue Dyson (United Kingdom)
· Respiratory Tract Disease. A Review, Julie Fjeldborg (Finland)
· Treadmill upper Respiratory Tract Video-Endoscopy: Results of 300 Racehorses Presented for Poor Performance, David Hogdson (Australia)
· Inflammatory Airway Disease: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Management in Racehorses, David Hogdson (Australia)
· Antibiotics: Contemporary Issue, David Hogdson (Australia)
· A preliminary report on a three-year study of the clinical diagnosis and epidemiology of R. Equi infection in foals in Ireland, Des Leadon (Ireland)
· Ascending Placentitis in the Mare, Michelle Leblanc (USA)
· Infertility in the Mare: A Clinical Approach (Part I), Michelle Leblanc (USA)
· Infertility in the Mare: A Clinical Approach (Part II), Michelle Leblanc (USA)
· Breeding the Problem Mare, Michelle Leblanc (USA)
· Wet Lab 1 - Ascending plascentitis: Imaging evaluation, Michelle Leblanc (France)
· Equine Reproduction Research in Argentina, Luis Losinno (Argentina)
· Wet Lab 1 - Ascending plascentitis: Imaging evaluation, Luis Losinno (Argentina)
· Wet Lab 2 - Deep videoscopic artificial insemination, Luis Losinno (Argentina)
· New Approaches for diagnosis of Joint Disease, Estimation of Risk and Severity, Wayne Mc Ilwraith (USA)
· New Concepts on Aiding Articular Cartilage Healing in the Horse, Wayne Mc Ilwraith (USA)
· West Nile Virus, Robert McLean (USA)
· Wet Lab 2 - Deep videoscopic artificial insemination, M. Miragaya (Argentina)
· Race Tract Practice in Louisiana, Gary Norwood (USA)
· How is the ILPH Working around the World?, ILPH Representative (United Kingdom)
· Limiting Factors to Performance in the Athletic Horse, Reuben Rose (Australia)
· Important Training Adaptations in the Horse, Significance of Performance, Reuben Rose (Australia)
· Orthopedic Infections of the Foal, Elizabeth Santschi (USA)
· Colic in the Foal, Elizabeth Santschi (USA)
· Foal Conformation, Elizabeth Santschi (USA)
· Pathology of the Genital Tract in Stallions, Ahmed Tibary (USA)
· Infertility, Subfertility in Stallions, Ahmed Tibary (USA)
· Wet Lab 2 - Deep videoscopic artificial insemination, Amhed Tibary (United States)
· Update on Viral Arteritis, Peter Timoney (USA)
· Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome, Peter Timoney (USA)
· Conditions affecting the Proximal Sesamoid Bones: A Review, Fabio Torre (Italy)
· Some aspects of the transportation and international training, Dermot Weld (Ireland)

For further information, please contact Congresos Internacionales - Phone: +54 11/43802-5772
E-mail: weva2003@
Web-site: 2003


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