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horse Absorbine Sponsors Leslie Lange,
AQHA Professional Horsewoman of the Year
AQHA World Champion and Trainer

Absorbine Sponsors World Champion

Leslie Lange, American Quarter Horse Association World Champion and recently chosen AQHA Professional Horsewoman of the Year, is to be sponsored by Absorbine, the brand of W F Young Inc, the US manufacturers of grooming and horse care products popular throughout the UK.

When it comes to the preparation and turnout of horses and riders for competition, western riding is hard to beat. Traditionally America's most glamorous equestrian sport, the top competitors pay attention to every detail and rely only on products they can trust to ensure their horses are immaculate.
Leslie uses the Absorbine® range of grooming and healthcare products, including the World-renowned ShowSheen®, to care for all the horses owned and trained by her and her husband, Tom. They are based in Colorado where they specialise in training and preparation of horses for competition.

"Absorbine is pleased to be associated with Leslie Lange, one of the premier riders and trainers in the western discipline," says Tyler F Young, president of W F Young Inc. "Absorbine supports the western style of life and dedication to traditional values, which our company has promoted since our founding over a century ago."
Their range of products is renowned throughout the world and is one of the most popular brands here in the UK. ShowSheen® remains the choice of top professionals and riders at all levels for its unbeatable shine and long lasting detangling effect on manes and tails.

Also in the range is SuperPoo®, a highly concentrated and economical shampoo with a pleasant apple scent, and ShowClean®, an effective whitener and brightener that will leave greys sparkling, ensure no more yellow tails and can also be used at full strength to remove stubborn stains.

To keep the flies at bay, Absorbine offers Supershield Green®, an all-natural spray repellent, and the Ultrashield® Fly Bonnet, available with or without ears, for total protection.

Absorbine products are available from all good equestrian retailers.


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