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Racecourse Supports West Country Home For Retired Racehorses

THE annual Countryside Day at the Greatwood centre for retired racehorses in Wiltshire is to be sponsored this year by Bath Racecourse.

And visitors to the centre in Marlborough on Sunday 29 August are to be given a special discount with the programme into Bath Racecourse's own Countryside Day in the autumn.

Greatwood is one of three homes in Britain which specialise in the retraining and rehabilitation of retired racehorses.

The annual public day is the third such event at Greatwood, and includes a parade of horses - which this year will be led by new resident Deano's Beeno, who was formerly at the all-conquering yard of champion National Hunt trainer Martin Pipe, and Rigmarole, winner of the Greatwood Hurdle at Cheltenham - a five-a-side football match between the country's leading jockeys, along with trade stands, a dog show, a gundog display and ferret racing.

Rod Street, Group Managing Director of Bath Racecourse's owner Northern Racing, said: "The Greatwood Caring for Retired Racehorses charity does sterling work on behalf of horses once their racing days are over. So we are thrilled that Bath Racecourse has an opportunity to be able to sponsor the Countryside Day."

Bath Racecourse's own Countryside Day is the penultimate fixture of the year on Sunday 10 October, featuring a parade of champion racehorses, a birds of prey display, a dog agility show, and activities for children.

Greatwood is also the chosen charity for fund raising on the Bathwick Tyres Ladies' Derby day at Bath Racecourse on Sunday 15 August.

*Greatwood is at Rainscombe Hill Farm, Clench Common, Marlborough. More information on 01672 514535 or

**Remaining 2004 fixtures at Bath Racecourse: Thursday 22 July; Tuesday 10 August; Sunday 15 August; Friday 27 August (evening); Monday 6 September;
Monday 13 September; Monday 27 September; Sunday 10 October; Tuesday 19 October. More information on 01225 424609 or


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