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BHS in Industry concern over Riding School insurance premiums

The British Horse Society (BHS), ABRS and representatives of the insurance industry met Defra minister Alun Michael today (15 July) to discuss the increasing burden of insurance premiums falling on equestrian establishments.

BHS Chief Executive Graham Cory told the minister that, in an industry operating on such tight margins, premium hikes can mean the difference between solvency and failure. And if riding schools continue to decline in number then eventually this will deprive the UK of top-level competitors.

The BHS acknowledges that the number and size of claims has increased in recent years, leading to a reluctance on the part of underwriters to take on equestrian business. However, the equestrian and insurance industries were confident that better risk management could have a significant effect on constraining premiums.

The two sides agreed to convene a working party, with Defra's assistance, to urgently identify practical measures to manage risk and thereby reduce the pressure on hard pressed riding schools.



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