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Jocelyn Sandor Urban, Noted Equestrian Painter, Chosen as Artist for 2004 Hampton Classic Art Poster

Bridgehampton, NY— July 6, 2004 —A painting of the Hampton Classic Showgrounds by Jocelyn Sandor Urban has been selected as the artwork for the 2004 Hampton Classic Horse Show art poster. The work by the noted equestrian artist is the latest in the Classic’s series of collectible art treasures. It is now available for purchase on the Classic’s website (

The Hampton Classic poster is a highly anticipated and much coveted souvenir of the Hampton Classic Horse Show. There are individuals who have collected every poster representing the Hampton Classic’s rich history, including signed editions by artists such as Paul Davis, Henry Koehler, Nina Duran, and Mickey Paraskevas.

“Urban’s work is a great addition to the tradition of beautiful Hampton Classic posters that have been created over the years,” said Tony Hitchcock, Executive Director of the Hampton Classic.


The 2004 poster features an image of “stable row” as viewed from the horse show office. Vivid blue and white tents extend down both sides of the lane. Vendors sell their wares on the right while horses and grooms fill the tents on the left; the two rows are held in balance by the hustle and bustle of people, dogs, and horses sharing the experience. Bright sunlight brings out the natural and vibrant colors of the Hampton Classic show grounds This captured moment portrays a “quintessential Hampton Classic scene,” said Urban. “You look at it and instantly know that it could not be any other horse show.” Urban used oil on linen to create the original.

Urban has displayed and sold her work at the Hampton Classic for more than sixteen years. She found herself taking photographs of “stable row” each year and it is these pictures that provided the inspiration for the true to life painting.

Urban received a BFA from Skidmore College and a MFA in print making from The University of Massachusetts Amherst. She began riding English pleasure at age ten and enjoyed living on a farm with many horses. Recently Urban has sold all of her horses except one, which she continues to ride. Her work is represented in Nantucket, MA by the Four India Gallery and in Bedford, NY by the Holland and Company Gallery. Currently she is working on a series of paintings that combine racehorses and landscapes; several of these pieces will be exhibited in her vendor tent at this year’s Hampton Classic.

The 29th annual Hampton Classic Horse Show begins on Sunday, August 29 and culminates with the excitement of the $150,000 Prudential Financial Grand Prix, on Sunday, September 5. Each year the Hampton Classic Horse Show attracts more than 50,000 spectators and celebrities to watch the country’s best horses and riders compete. With the crème de la crème of show jumping riders attending the show and a star-studded audience cheering them on, the Hampton Classic is weeklong sports and entertainment spectacle; as well as a benefit for the Southampton Hospital.

There simply is no other competition that brings together the thrill and prestige of the hunter-jumper circuit with so many thousands of spectators, extravagant social events, and celebrities, all surrounded by the beaches and elegant villages of Long Island’s summer playground—The Hamptons.

Admission and General Information

Competition runs from Sunday, August 29 through September 5 with a break in competition on Monday, August 30. Admission is $10 per person or $20 per carload, with children under 6 admitted free. Reserved grandstand seating for Sunday, September 5 is $15 per person (in addition to regular admission) or $25 per person in the special Premium Seating center sections. Parking is free throughout the week.

For more information on Wine Spectator’s Long Island Wine Classic or the Hampton Classic Horse Show, please visit the Hampton Classic website at or call (631) 537-3177.



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