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ILPH Welcomes Proposed New Animal Welfare Bill

The ILPH welcomes the publication of the Draft Animal Welfare Bill (yesterday Wednesday, 14 July) and is looking forward to the protection it should provide in the future for all animals, especially horses and ponies.

Comments Jo White, Head of Political and European Affairs at the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses), "We wholeheartedly support the Government in their move to improve the UK's antiquated animal welfare laws. It shows that they are taking the important issues of animal welfare seriously."
The ILPH is particularly pleased to see:

Improved powers of entry which should enable inspectors to investigate suspected animal abuse;

Greater powers to remove animals that have been deprived of care;

The tightening and strengthening of the powers around those disqualified from keeping animals;

The proposal to licence livery yards and sanctuaries to ensure that the level of expertise and skills are present to maintain the welfare of horses, some of whom may already have been the subject of neglect and abuse;

The introduction of guidelines governing the correct and appropriate methods of tethering.

Jo White continues, "As with every piece of legislation the key will be the enforcement and if real improvements to animal welfare are to be achieved, this must be vigorously addressed. We will now be examining the Draft Bill in detail and responding to the Government accordingly."



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