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horse Henselwood Claims“Spruce Meadows North American Championship” TM

Calgary, AB: After settling for a second place finish in the “Spruce Meadows Canadian Championship”TM at the National Tournament in June, Canada’s Jill Henselwood (Oxford Mills, ON) laid claim to the “Spruce Meadows North American Championship”TM presented by CN this past weekend in Calgary.

Henselwood has been enjoying premier competition at this year’s summer tournaments at Spruce Meadows. With consistent results in the four Section II Open competitions at the North American Tournament this past week, Henselwood and her ten year old Oldenburg gelding Special Ed, were presented with the championship, along with a $15,000 bonus from CN, the use of a 2004 Chrysler vehicle for one year, courtesy of DaimlerChrysler Canada and $5,000 in Esso gasoline.

“I really wanted to win the North American Championship after I missed out on winning the Canadian Championship at the National. What a great finale!” exclaimed Henselwood. “I’ve really enjoyed my summer competing at Spruce Meadows. You wake up every morning knowing you’re going to participate in top-level sport at the very best venue in the world. What could be better?”

Competing throughout the four summer tournaments on her two grand prix horses, Special Ed and Callisto, Henselwood has gained nothing but respect for her two mounts. “Callisto is a powerful mare. She can be a little strong willed, but she can really jump.

She has a lot of natural ability. Special Ed is completely different. He’s just as talented, but he thinks the whole idea of competing is entertaining. He has a really good show ring mentality. I think he might be the best horse I’ve ever had. He’s won so much already in only his first year competing at the grand prix level. It’s impressive,” praised Henselwood. “It’s been quite a long time since I’ve had the kind of horsepower that would warrant staying for the summer tournaments at Spruce Meadows. I consider myself very fortunate to have these two great horses!”

Henselwood was also named as the alternate reserve rider for this years summer Olympics in Athens, Greece earlier this season. “I was close, but I’m not disappointed. How can I be? My focus was on building a solid foundation at the summer tournaments in preparation for the Masters this fall, and I think I’ve accomplished that. I’m really looking forward to this year’s Masters. I’m ready for it!” Henselwood said smiling.

Henselwood’s next stop is just outside Ottawa, Ontario in Nepean, where she will be competing along with her students at the Capital Classic Show Jumping Tournament from July 13 to 18.


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