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Best Royal Show Since '99

The Royal Show has increased its attendance record for a second year in a row over four days at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire, with a total of 161,410 people passing through the gates.

Last year's attendance figure of 159,533 was surpassed despite an unsettled weather forecast and severe weather warnings, delivering the Show's best attendance figure so far this millennium.

Managing Director of show organisers, Haymarket Land Events, Dominique Loral spoke for the whole organising team saying: "I am delighted with the results of this year's Royal Show. In particular the livestock numbers were the largest since foot and mouth and everyone during the event agreed that the quality of livestock was superb.

"Features such as the new Dairy Chain, Yes Peas! and non-food crop demonstrations gave food for thought to both the public audience as well as the farming community.

"The trade section quality was excellent, the flower show was as popular as ever and the new features such as the BBC Good Food Cookery theatre and Ascot Park Polo Club 'have-a-go' sessions were a great success."

Mike Calvert, Chief Executive of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, owners of the Royal Show said: "This has been the Royal Show's best attendance figure in the last five years. The positive mood at the Show is one moving throughout the industry. I am delighted that the show has been so successfully received.

"Feedback tells us that there were strong farmer numbers attending - from all over the UK and Northern Ireland and further afield.

"The Show received the Rt Hon Margaret Beckett MP, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs together with ministerial delegations from fourteen states and welcomed business visitors from over 100 countries."

The Royal Show, the premier agricultural event takes place during the first week of July at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. The show, which traces its beginnings to Oxford in 1839, features the best of British food, farming, international business and country living. To find out more visit


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